Conversation #26: Listen Liberally (December 10, 2017)

Are you well-rested, well-fed, well-hydrated, and sitting comfortably? Pace yourself, because this one is really long. Remember, you can always press pause, take a walk, take a potty break, and come back later! First up, Paul reviews Our Revolution by Bernie Sanders. Then, starting at about the 50-minute (00:49:15) mark, he moves on to Listen, Liberal by Thomas Frank, taking us to about 01:25:27. . After a brief break, Grace leads a discussion on the recent trend in the New York Times, administering tongue baths to Nazis and bigots, specifically the profile of Ben Shapiro and the dismantling of said profile by Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs. This takes us just past the 2-hour (02:00:33) mark, when we discuss at length some listener feedback we received about Paul’s epic rant in Conversation 24. The whole show clocks in at just under 2 hours and 45 minutes.

How to Listen

You can find the MP3 file here.

The Podcast feed is here.

The Podcast channel on YouTube is here.

More Information

We’re not linking to the New York Times propaganda piece about Ben Shapiro, but here’s Nathan J. Robinson’s dissent in Current Affairs.

Finally, you might be interested in this translation of Jean Paul Sartre’s essay “Elections: a Trap for Fools.” I’d like to discuss the esssay on a future Pottscast. I don’t know if it’s the same translation I have, which is in the compilation We Have Only This Life to Live: The Selected Essays of Jean-Paul Sartre, 1939–1975.
