Conversation #60: Their Goal is to Troll (July 25, 2020)

Conversation #60: Their Goal is to Troll (July 25, 2020)

It’s been a while, but we have a new recording space with new gear set up in my basement office. In this conversation Grace and I talk about COVID–19 and fascism. We also discuss how the politicization of potential treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and safety measures such as mask-wearing has made it impossible to talk about these things on their merits, but instead they have become shibboleths indicating which team’s jersey you are wearing. As usual, Grace tries to keep to the topic at hand, but I was a bit over-caffeinated, so one of the reasons this episode is late is that I felt the need to edit out most of my interruptions, digressions, and dick jokes. Podcast in haste, edit at leisure!

How to Listen

You can find the MP3 file here.

The Podcast feed is here.

The Podcast channel on YouTube is here.

This Week’s Music

This week’s music consists of clips from BT’s cover of “The Ghost in You,” originally by the Psychedelic Furs. The track comes from BT’s album These Hopeful Machines.
