In the Wee Hours (June 25, 2018)

It’s about 1:45 a.m. on Sunday night/Monday morning. Grace and I recorded a podcast tonight, but it ran a bit long. In fact, we spoke for almost four hours. We had a lot to get off our chests. So I can’t stay up any later to finish it tonight. I’ll have to finish the production later this week and and the show as soon as I can.

We spoke a bit about a few recent things we’ve been reading and watching, but the bulk of our conversation was about our attempt to start a new life in Saginaw, Michigan in 2010, and how we are still working through the consequences of our failure to make that plan work over the long term. We hope that our experiences may have given us some insight into the conditions, both economic and social, that face a lot of communities in America today.
